Students pursuing the BA LLB degree have availability to scholarships provided by universities along with government and private institutions. Top ranked law schools extend two types of scholarships which includes funding opportunities based on student accomplishment and monetary assistance based on financial need. The National Scholarship Portal operates in India together with numerous national and state-sponsored schemes that enable financial aid provision to law students through performance-based assessment and various socio-economic and other criteria.
Students pursuing BA LLB can obtain scholarship assistance through private organizations together with law firms and NGOs. Financial aid programs specifically select students who belong to disadvantaged circumstances alongside women lawyers and students who study particular law disciplines. The funding stream exists for promoting student diversity and human rights and environmental law focus. Students who receive these awards receive funding that includes payment of tuition expenses along with examination costs and they have access to internship stipends or research project financial assistance. The process of scholarship research and early application allows students to increase their opportunities for receiving financial support throughout their education.