In most nations around the world, including India, a B.Com requires three years to complete. This undergraduate course is intended to provide students with a balanced exposure to aspects of commerce like accounting, finance, economics, business law, taxation, and management. The structure of the course ensures that the student develops theoretical as well as practical skills required to pursue a career in the business, banking, or finance sectors. The specializations under the B.Com program are mainly offered in areas like general commerce, accounting, finance, marketing, and taxation, allowing the student to specialize in an area of his interest.
The B.Com program's duration can differ slightly based on the institution or country, but the usual three-year study program is expected. An academic year has two semesters. In addition to class lectures, there are projects, internships, and practical training, which improve their knowledge regarding the business world. This is a stepping stone towards advanced studies, such as Chartered Accountancy (CA), Company Secretary (CS), or even a Master of Commerce (M.Com), and provides numerous job opportunities in the business sector.