Yes, as a general rule, there are scholarships in the D.Voc in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning course; however, they may not be offered at a identical place or are of identical type which is present currently, due to the government policies.
Government Scholarships: Most countries provide scholarships for vocational and technical education especially for qualified needy students. For instance, Indian students can approach opportunities for a scholarship through National Scholarship Portal or through state government focusing on the technical education.
Merit-based Scholarships: Scholarships may be provided by entities for hardworking students for example those scoring well on their tests or high academic achievement when enrolling in the institution.
Need-based Scholarships: There are colleges however, which offer scholarships to those who come from a low income earner family. These scholarships were established with an intention in improving the ability of those students from financially needy backgrounds to be able to access education.
Industry-Specific Scholarships: Students may find some companies or industry organizations that can sponsor them or provide them with a scholarship for learning HVAC, refrigeration, or air conditioning courses. Incorporate : These could also be accompanied by internships or employment guarantee company underwriting these scholarships.
Private Scholarships: It is possible to get some scholarships from private organizations and foundations for students who intend to pay for vocational courses. These scholarships may be warantied to certain conditions like academic achievement, financial dues or voluntary work all through the year. To know if one is eligible for a scholarship for the course offered in a certain institution or not one is advised to contact the institution directly or search through the government agency offering the scholarships.