What are the eligibility criteria for BBA in Aviation?

The eligibility criteria for a BBA in Aviation typically include the following requirements:
Educational Qualifications: Applicants must have completed their 10+2 or equivalent examination from a recognized board.
The preferred subjects are usually English, Mathematics, or Business Studies, though requirements can vary depending on the institution.
Minimum Marks: Most colleges require a minimum aggregate score of around 50% to 60% in the 12th standard, although this may vary based on the university or college.
Age Limit: Candidates are usually required to be between the ages of 17 to 25 years at the time of admission. However, this can vary by institution.
Entrance Exams:
Some colleges or universities may require candidates to appear for an entrance exam specific to the aviation program or a general BBA entrance test.
These exams may include questions on English, General Knowledge, Reasoning, and Mathematics.
Language Proficiency: Proficiency in English is often required, as it is the primary language of communication in the aviation industry.
Medical Fitness: Candidates may need to meet certain health and fitness standards as per the aviation industry norms, particularly for those pursuing roles that involve direct interaction with aircraft or passengers.


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