What are the eligibility criteria for M.Tech in Aerospace Engineering?

To be eligible for M.Tech in Aerospace Engineering, candidates must have completed a Bachelor’s degree (B.Tech/B.E.) in Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, or other related fields from a recognized university. The minimum required aggregate marks generally range from 50% to 60%, depending on the institution.

Additionally, most institutions require candidates to qualify for an entrance exam like the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE). GATE scores are used for admission to many premier institutions, including IITs, NITs, and other engineering colleges in India. Some universities may also conduct their own entrance tests or consider academic performance for selection.

For foreign students, a recognized undergraduate degree, English language proficiency, and an equivalent qualification are usually required. It is essential for candidates to check the specific eligibility requirements of the institution they wish to apply to.


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