What are the eligibility criteria for pursuing an LLB course?

The eligibility criteria vary according to country and type of program (3-year LLB or 5-year integrated LLB). However, in general, the requirements are as follows:
1. For 5-Year Integrated LLB Program: Educational Qualification: Candidates should have had a higher secondary education (12th grade) from a recognized board with a minimum percentage, generally running around 45-50%, although this may differ from institution to institution.
Age Limit: Age limit varies by country and even university, though most of the time it falls between 17 to 20 years.
Entrance Exams: Many universities hold entrance exams to admit students in the LLB program. Examples include CLAT in India and LSAT in many countries.
2. For a 3-year LLB Program: Educational Qualification: A candidate with a Bachelor's degree in any discipline- such as B.A., B.Sc., B.Com- obtained from a recognized University and having not less than 45%-50% marks. No age limit exists for the said course
Entrance Tests: Some universities provide entrance tests for candidates, whereas, some will grant direct admissions according to their merits.
More Considerations
Language Proficiency: In certain places, it demands proficiency in the English or native language of that place.
Character Certificate: The character certificate or good conduct certificate issued from the previous institute might be sought at the time of admission.


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