The average initial salary for Bachelor of Commerce in Information Systems and Management graduates (B Com ISM) stands at ₹3 to ₹6 LPA in India. Different factors including market demand and company size together with individual abilities determine the salary range. Business analysts and data analysts or financial analysts qualify for starting salaries between ₹3-4 LPA when they join the workforce but experienced professionals in IT-enabled services and finance and management reach higher income levels.
Salaries grow substantially between ₹6-10 LPA or more for professionals with career advancement combined with certifications and professional experience. Major recruiters in this field consist of IT organizations along with banking companies and consulting organizations and corporate multinational corporations. Data analytics competency along with expertise in ERP software and financial management produces better opportunities in the job market. Higher studies including an MBA degree combined with specialized certifications lead business intelligence and financial consulting and IT management roles to higher-paying opportunities that increase salary potential.