What is the average salary of an LLB graduate?

In India the salary received by LLB graduates depends on their university selection and the substance of their study specialization together with their job market sector. National Law University graduates who studied at NLU Delhi and NLSIU Bengaluru secure salary packages above ₹15,00,000 during their first year of work. Candidates who pursued their LLB studies at underrecognized institutions begin their careers by earning salaries ranging from ₹3,00,000 to ₹4,00,000 per year.

Specialization stands as one of the key elements which influences salary amounts. Lawyers who specialize in corporate legal work earn annual salaries from ₹10,00,000 to ₹18,00,000 but those who practice family law typically get paid between ₹3,50,000 to ₹8,00,000 a year. Workers in private law firms receive better paychecks than those employed by the government sector. Law professionals in India experience diverse career opportunities whose compensation depends on their educational background along with their area of specialization and workplace sector.


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