What is the average starting salary for B Tech IT graduates in India?

The average starting salary for B Tech IT graduates in India typically falls between ₹3.5 to ₹7 LPA (Lakhs Per Annum). Factors like the institute's reputation, individual skills, internships, certifications, and the recruiting company significantly influence the initial package. Graduates from top-tier institutions such as IITs, NITs, and IIITs often receive offers in the range of ₹10-20 LPA, whereas those from other colleges might start at ₹3-6 LPA.

Salaries also depend on the job profile—software engineers, data analysts, cybersecurity experts, and cloud engineers tend to earn more compared to IT support roles. Companies like TCS, Infosys, and Wipro offer around ₹3.5-5 LPA, while product-based firms like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon can offer packages exceeding ₹12 LPA. Skills in high-demand technologies like AI, data science, and blockchain further enhance earning potential. Over time, with experience and specialization, salaries can rise significantly.


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