Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) and Mechanical Engineering as two branches of engineering are two different streams as they deal with two seemingly different worlds in a way. ECE is associated with the design, implementation and management of electronic systems and communication systems. Topics such as microprocessors, embedded systems, signal processing, telecommunications, and wireless communications is addressed. According to ECE graduates, ECE graduates are well placed in various industries including telecommunications, consumer electronics, information technology, and robotics, at various positions starting from Electronics Engineer, Telecom Engineer, up to Embedded Systems Developer. Mechanical Engineering deals with the use of science, to describe, analyze, and design mechanical systems. Examples include thermodynamics, fluids technology, material sciences and mechanics of the machine. The Mechanical Engineer is employed in automotive, aerospace, manufacturing, energy industries apart from being in the positions of Design Engineer, Production Engineer & Maintenance Engineer. Although ECE deals with electrical systems and communication technologies, Mechanical Engineering deals mostly with physical systems and mechanical apparatus. The distinction comes from simple skills preference, where ECE may attract individuals who favor technology and communication and Mechanical Engineering may attract those with interests in the mechanical systems.