What is the eligibility Criteria for Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharmacy)?

Though they differ somewhat based on the nation and university, the eligibility standards for Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) usually consist of the following:
Candidates should have graduated from a recognized board with a solid background in Science subjects, particularly Chemistry, Physics, and Biology or Mathematics, and scored 10+2 or equivalent marks. In addition to those from vocational courses linked to pharmacy, some schools will consider candidates with such background.
While this may differ by school or university, most schools call for a minimum combined score of 50% to 60% in the 12th standard.
Several colleges give entrance tests meant to qualify for the B.Pharm program. Knowledge of Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and Mathematics could be tested by the exams. Well-known entrance exams abound, including GPAT (Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test) and several state or college-level ones.
Some universities could have an age limit; eligibility usually about from 17 to 25 years.


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