What is the eligibility criteria for the B.Tech AME + AME DGCA course?

The eligibility criteria for the B.Tech AME + AME DGCA course generally include the following requirements:

1. Educational Qualifications: Candidates should have passed the 10+2 (higher secondary education) or any examination recognized as equivalent thereto with not less than four subjects including Physics, Mathematics and English. An aggregate of minimum 50% to 60% in 12th standard standard is generally expected and they may also specific subject cuts off (Physics and Mathematics).

2. Age Limit: In addition, candidates must not be younger than 17 years at the time they enroll in the course. It then ranges between 25 and 23 years, depending on the specific institution offering the scholarships.

3. Entrance Examinations: Almost all the institutions demand an examination either JEE Main, JEE Advanced or examination conducted by the concerned institution. Some universities also may want to interview the applicant.

4. Medical Fitness: The medical fitment for the candidates should undergo medical tests as per the guidelines of the DGCA for applicants subscribed to AME training should have good visions, suitable health, and hearing.

5. Nationality: The course must be completed by the Indian citizens, though some particular institutions may enroll persons with citizenship of other countries, under certain conditions.


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