A Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) graduate's salary depends on their experience alongside their location as well as their work institution type along with additional taught subjects or qualifications. The first compensation of primary and secondary teachers in government and private schools begins at ₹2.5 to ₹4.5 lakh annually. B.Ed. graduates will typically find better compensation combined with career advancement potential at private educational institutions as compared to government educational institutions.
B.Ed. graduates receive increased compensation after accumulating experience together with extra certification. Allowances and benefits along with promotions lead senior teachers and administrators of respected educational institutions to earn between ₹5 to ₹10 lakh annually. People who pass government teaching assessment tests including TET or CTET or their respective state-level equivalent can earn anywhere between ₹40,000 and ₹80,000 each month based on their assigned pay grade and level.
B.Ed. degree holders who wish to move past classroom teaching can work as educational consultants or online tutors or become curriculum developers or school administrators but their compensation ranges drastically. Professionals who earn their M.Ed. or Ph.D. degrees can enter higher education research which leads to substantially increased earnings potential.