The median salary right out of the D.Voc in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning course, therefore, depends on the location of employment, status of the job, and industry of workplace, and skills of the graduate and the experience they may have gained in-between the course period.
From INR 15,000 to INR 30,000 for freshers as Refrigeration Technician, Air Conditioning Technician, or HVAC Technician in small organization or Service providing companies.
20,000 to ₹30,000 per month for junior positions or in companies with less or moderately complex job requirements, and ₹30,000 to ₹40,000 per month, for senior or technical positions or in organizations with high complexity or operational in the high-cost cities like Mumbai, Delhi, or Bangalore.
This salary range could be between thirty five thousand to fifty thousand rupees per month or higher depending on the industry for some industrial refrigeration systems for air conditioning systems and industries for commercial as well as residential buildings.
It often means that for bureaucratic positions or job offers in reputable organizations, base wages will also comprise health insurance, bonuses, or provident fund.
They are often paid a basic wage that may be adjusted over time, by received certifications, and relevant specialty in refrigeration and air conditioning. Technicians or engineers starting out on the job can look forward to a salary increase after a few years especially if they have advanced to be a service manager, field supervisor, project manager etc. Moreover, even it specializes in efficiency of energy or in using green technologies, it may have the opportunity to earn more.