What is Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (AME)?

Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (AME) is a 4-year long program that is primarily focused on the maintenance of aircraft and its parts.

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What is the eligibility criteria for Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (AME)?

Candidate must pass 10+2 PCM or equivalent AICTE approved 3 years engineering diploma in any stream or any higher qualification in science with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics at the time of admission.

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How to get up to 100% scholarship for Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (AME)?

To get up to 100% scholarship, a student should participate in the AIE CET national-level entrance examination. AIE CET offers admission in Puran Murti Group of Institution & up to 100% scholarship to all qualified students.

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What are the job opportunities after Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (AME)?

Licensed AME can work in government and private sectors like Government and Private Airlines, Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) Organizations, Aircraft Manufacturing Companies, Aircraft Part Manufacturing Companies, Research organization, Border Safety Forces (BSF), etc.

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Why choose Puran Murti Campus for Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (AME)?

Institutions offer training in their own aircrafts & helicopters in Campus. The institutes have 2 aircrafts and 1 helicopter for training. The institute has been awarded as the Best Placement Engineering College in Delhi-NCR.

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What is the difference between Aircraft Maintenance Engineer and Aerospace Engineering?

Aircraft maintenance engineering keeps the aircraft in flying condition. The course of Aircraft maintenance engineering involves the repair and maintenance of aircraft engineering. Aerospace engineering deals with the designing, testing, manufacturing, and constructing of the aircraft.

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What are the responsibilities of Aircraft Maintenance engineering?

Here, we are sharing some of the roles and responsibilities of the same:-

  • Testing all the equipment of aircraft.
  • Assemble the aircraft frames.
  • Ordering and supplying all the parts of aircraft as per requirement.
  • Installing electrical circuits.
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Which country has the highest salaries for Aircraft Maintenance Engineering?

Malaysia provides you with the highest salary package for Aircraft Maintenance Engineering. This country is the best instrument for the newcomers. But for doing a job in this country, first you have to take admission in B.Tech in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering.

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What are the main topics that students study in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering?
  • Aircraft Materials
  • Aircraft Propulsion
  • Advanced Work-shop Skills
  • Basic Electrical & Electronics Lab
  • Aircraft Structures
  • Flight Controls
  • Aircraft Automatic
  • Flight & Landing Systems
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What is the duration of the Aircraft Maintenance Engineering course?

The duration of the aircraft maintenance engineering course is 4 year which means 8 semesters are involved. Aircraft maintenance engineering is approved by the All India Council For Technical Education (AICTE). One semester out of the eight has practical training in the live environment.

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Is Aircraft Maintenance Engineering a good career option?

Yes, aircraft maintenance engineering has the outstanding career option in the field of aviation sector in present as well as in future also. Aircraft maintenance engineering is the most demanding course and job also.

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