What is M.Tech in Civil Engineering?

M.Tech in Civil Engineering is a postgraduate course based on the various specialized concepts of Civil Engineering with in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge and skills of Civil engineering and construction management.

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What is the eligibility Criteria for M.Tech in Civil Engineering?

A candidate must graduate in BE/B.Tech in Civil Engineering or Bachelor of Planning or any other equivalent degree from any recognized university with at least 55% marks and the candidate must be medically fit.

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What are the job opportunities after M.Tech in Civil Engineering?
  • Municipal Corporations
  • Jal Boards
  • Delhi Development Authority
  • Municipal Corporation
  • Metro Rail
  • National highway authority
  • And many more...
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Why choose Puran Murti Campus for M.Tech in Civil Engineering?

Puran Murti Campus is approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Ministry of HRD. The institution has been awarded as best Placement engineering colleges in Delhi-NCR-2012 three times in a row.

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What is the difference between Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering?

Civil engineering is the course where students get the knowledge about the in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge and skills of Civil engineering and construction management.The field of ME involves the designing production and mechanical systems of different types of machines.

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Which country or city has the highest salaries for Civil Engineers?

Switzerland is the highest payable city to the civil engineering degree holder that is CHF 70,000 a year and CHF 30 an hour, which means 56,80,660 rupees per annum and 2,435 an hour. Switzerland uses the latest technology for making modern buildings and other things.

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What are the main topics that students study in Civil Engineering?
  • Civil Engineering Properties of Soils Foundation Engineering
  • Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundations
  • Rock Mechanics
  • Earth Dams and Slope Stability
  • Earth Pressure
  • Clay Mineralogy
  • Ground Improvement Engineering
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What is the duration of the M.Tech in Civil engineering course?

The duration of the civil engineering course is 2 year which means 4 semesters are involved. Civil engineering is approved by the All India Council For Technical Education (AICTE). One semester out of the eight have practical training in the live environment.

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Is M.tech in Civil Engineering a good career option?

Yes, master of technology (M.tech) in civil engineering has the excellent career option at present as well as in the future because this industry became the fastest growing sector in the world. The demand for Civil Engineers is growing day by day.

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What are the main topics that students study in ITI Diesel Mechanic?

Students in ITI Diesel Mechanic study engine systems, fuel injection, cooling, lubrication, electrical systems, maintenance, troubleshooting, and safety practices for diesel engines and vehicles.

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