What is BBA in Aviation?

BBA in Aviation is an aviation course offered under the recognition of the bureau of(date), it being a 3 year undergraduate program that Specializes in air transport,financial accounting,airport management,marketing, and management in aviation.

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What are the eligibility criteria for BBA in Aviation?

To apply for BBA in Aviation you must have passed your 12th standard from a recognized Board.

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What is the syllabus of BBA in Aviation?

It encompasses courses in aviation management, cashiering and accounting, marketing, communication, customer relations and leadership.

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What is the fee structure for BBA in Aviation?

.The fee structure for BBA in Aviation depends upon the college/university to college/university, location and whether it is government or private but on an average we can say that the fee structure for BBA in Aviation is generally in between as follows:

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Where can I pursue BBA in Aviation in Delhi NCR?

Puran Murti Campus which is one of the colleges with BBA in Aviation college in Delhi NCR.

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Are there any specializations in the BBA in Aviation program?

Yes, many institutions offer specializations within the BBA in Aviation program to help students focus on specific areas of the aviation industry.

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What is the admission process for BBA in Aviation?

The admission process for a BBA in Aviation typically involves several steps, which may vary slightly depending on the institution.

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What career opportunities are there after completing BBA in Aviation?

After completing a BBA in Aviation, graduates have a wide range of career opportunities in the aviation industry and related sectors.

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Can I pursue higher education after BBA in Aviation?

Yes, you can opt for a Master's degree after completing BBA in Aviation.

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