VLSI stands for very large scale integration. This is the process of combining millions of transistors onto a single silicon chip that results in the formation of an integrated circuit (IC). This architecture chip is used for the very high level integrated circuit (IC).
An embedded system is an electronic and computer system that is designed to control and access the data based on the electronic system. Embedded system is a system which basically consists of three major components:-
VLSI and Embedded systems will cover the fundamentals and engineering aspects of designing and development IC-based systems. VLSI technology has emerged out as a successful conglomeration of two streams, Material Science and Electrical Engineering. The state of the art VLSI technology requires research in Physical devices as well as novel design and development of electrical circuits.
VLSI design and embedded system marketing program is the professional course from a variety of industries and backgrounds. VLSI design and embedded system students add richness in the live interaction and discussion between students and professors.
The class consists of learners from excellent organizations and diverse industries:-
There are many job opportunities across the world that provide a handsome salary package to those who have the additional certificate course of the VLSI design and embedded system with their regular degrees of Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) long term courses. These additional courses help to open the many options in the modern technology world and as well as it also helps to enhance your knowledge and skills.
You can choose any regular engineering course and you get this professional course free of cost and can become an expert in this modern technology and get a handsome salary package with an excellent campus placement.
Embedded System is the future. Every industry needs some artificial intelligence into it and artificial intelligence can be given by embedded systems only. No electronic product is without embedded systems in the market.
VLSI trends are gradually moving from large to smaller devices. In the past three years, we have seen an exponential increase in the productivity and performance of mobile processors.
Annual Salary
Hiring Companies
Candidates can apply to this VLSI design and embedded system course in 3 steps. Selected candidates receive an admission offer which is accepted by admission fee payment.
Fill the application form with the bachelor, master or other courses.
Pay the fees of the application form and also review the application form.
After the successful submission of the application form, the classes will start after the other notices and e-mails.
The candidates, who are interested in pursuing this course must make sure that they are eligible enough as per the specified criteria. One can find the eligibility criteria below:-
2+ years of work experience preferred
A bachelor's degree with an average of 50 percent or higher marks
Basic understanding of programming concepts and digital network
Marketing or non-marketing background
We have a team of dedicated admissions counselors available to guide you as you apply for the strategic digital marketing course. They are available to:-